What's New Creo 8.0 > What's New: Creo Parametric 8.0 > > Fundamentals > Preview of the Quilt/Body Snapshot
Preview of the Quilt/Body Snapshot
A new command, Show Snapshot, has been added to show the preview of the quilt/body snapshot.
User Interface Location: Right-click a quilt/body or its contributing features and click Show Snapshot.
Release: Creo Parametric
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What is the benefit of this enhancement?
The new command, Show Snapshot, allows you to show the preview of the snapshot of the selected quilt/body. It helps you investigate the history of the quilt/body.
For contributing features, this command shows a snapshot preview of the quilt/body geometry at the point in time after the regeneration of the selected feature. For features that contribute to multiple quilts/bodies, only the snapshot of the first quilt/body is shown.
For active bodies/quilts, this command shows a snapshot preview of the current quilt/body geometry.
For consumed bodies/quilts, this command shows the geometry before consumption.
Multiple previews can be visualized together.
A keyboard shortcut can be assigned to the Show Snapshot command.
You can clear the graphics using Redraw or by clicking in the graphics window background.
Previously, the merged and consumed quilts were either partially visible or not visible at all. The quilts in their earlier state could not be seen in context of the final design, and the model had to be rolled-back entirely. This made it difficult to analyze the Model Tree and the quilt/body model evolution.
This enhancement allows a faster analysis and understanding of a model design as snapshot previews. The evolution of quilts and bodies in their earlier states can be seen in the context of the final design.
Additional Information
No known limitations.
Does this replace existing functionality?
Configuration Option associated with this functionality: