What's New Creo 8.0 > What's New: Creo Parametric 8.0 > > Fundamentals > Model Tree Enhancements - Custom Groups
Model Tree Enhancements - Custom Groups
The Model Tree enhancements improve the flexibility and the tools for documenting the design intent.
User Interface Location: Model Tree
Release: Creo Parametric
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What is the benefit of this enhancement?
You can now create ‘Custom Groups’ to organize the design items in a custom structure. This allows you to document your design intent with more flexibility and freedom, for example, to indicate the functional areas in your design. You can create custom groups, name and rename them, drag to reorder them, and structure them to freely manage quilts and bodies according to their function in the design.
To organize an existing design, you can drag bodies, quilts, annotation elements, and material nodes into or out of these groups. The quilts and bodies that are included in an automatic group (such as a pattern) cannot be dragged individually. Drag the group header node to drag the entire group together. When you remove an item from a custom group, the item is relocated to its original position. For example, when you remove a body from a custom group, the body is relocated to the Bodies folder.
To organize a design, you can set a custom group as default. The default custom group is marked with a star (). The newly created items are automatically added to the default custom group.
This enhancement helps you to organize and analyze the Model Tree. It also makes it easier to maintain the model and transfer the design intent to other people.
Design Items folder showing custom groups used to structure bodies and quilts
Additional Information
The Design Tree and the Design Items folder are not available in Assembly mode.
Does this replace existing functionality?
Configuration option associated with this functionality: