What's New Creo 8.0 > What's New: Creo Parametric 8.0 > > Sheetmetal Design > Productivity Enhancements in Sheetmetal Design
Productivity Enhancements in Sheetmetal Design
Release: Creo Parametric
What is the benefit of this enhancement?
The various productivity enhancements in Sheetmetal design include the following:
The improved bend relief for the flushed hems enables a reliable and robust bend relief creation for varying bend position settings.
Flushed hem with bend position offset and oblong bend reliefs
The new configuration option flat_simp_rep_name allows you to set the default name for a flat simplified representation.
The new lightweight hole representation for standard holes is now available in Sheetmetal design.
The new sketched multi-hole capability is now available in Sheetmetal design.
The design objects selected in the Design Objects Tree within Flexible Modeling are cross-highlighted in the graphics window.
Additional Information
No known limitations.
Does this replace existing functionality?
Configuration option associated with this functionality:
New configuration option flat_simp_rep_namesystem*, <a user supplied name>—Sets the default name for a flat simplified representation.