Minimum Crease Radius
A new design constraint Minimum Crease Radius has now been added to the design criteria.
User Interface Location: In the Generative Design application, click Add Design Criteria > Add Constraints > Minimum Crease Radius.
Release: Creo Parametric
Watch a video that demonstrates this enhancement:
What is the benefit of this enhancement?
The new Minimum Crease Radius design constraint allows you to smoothen the optimized result and reduce the webbed topology by making sure that all the surfaces keep the curvature close to a minimum radius.
Minimum Crease Radius is a geometric constraint, and you need to define its value and unit.
This enhancement provides you with an additional control to explore different design alternatives that meet your design objective.
No minimum crease radius
Minimum crease radius = 5 mm
Additional Information
The value of the minimum crease radius must be greater than the minimum element size. If you add a smaller value, a warning is added to the Generative Tree and the troubleshooter.
Does this replace existing functionality?
Configuration option associated with this functionality: