What's New Creo 7.0 > What's New: Creo Parametric 7.0 > Simulation > Direction Vector Is Defined By Selection in Creo Simulation Live
Direction Vector Is Defined By Selection in Creo Simulation Live
You can define a direction vector by selecting an edge or surface.
User Interface Location: Click Live Simulation and then click Force, Moment, or Centrifugal. In the load dialog box that opens, see the Select direction box.
Release: Creo
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What is the benefit of this enhancement?
In earlier releases it is difficult to apply the correct direction when the surface is at an odd angle. In Creo Simulation Live 7.0, you can select an edge or a surface to define the direction of the force. The X, Y, and Z components are then written into their respective fields. Defining the direction vector by selecting an edge or a surface is available for Force, Moment, or Centrifugal loads when Magnitude and direction is selected for Define by. This makes it easier to define direction for more sophisticated loading.
Additional Information
Defining the direction vector by selecting an edge or surface is not available for constraints.
Does this replace existing functionality?
Configuration options associated with this functionality: