What's New Creo 7.0 > What's New: Creo Parametric 7.0 > Detailed Drawings > New Detail Option to Control the Precision of Secondary Unit Values of GTOLs
New Detail Option to Control the Precision of Secondary Unit Values of GTOLs
User Interface Location: N/A
Release: Creo Parametric
What is the benefit of this enhancement?
You can now control the precision of the secondary unit values of Geometric Tolerances (GTOLs) for dual dimensions using the new detail option gtol_secondary_value_precision. You can round-off or truncate the secondary value. The valid values are:
round*—The secondary unit values are rounded-off. This is the default value.
truncate—The secondary unit values are truncated.
The new detail option gtol_secondary_value_precision works in conjunction with the detail option dual_dimensioning.
Additional Information
Does this replace existing functionality?
No, it is complimentary.
Detail options associated with this functionality:
Valid values are round*, truncate.