To Add a Mass to a Point
2. Specify a descriptive name for your mass, or use the default name provided.
3. Select one of the following from the drop-down list under Type.
◦ Simple (default)
◦ Advanced
◦ Component At Point (available only for assemblies)
4. Select one of the following from the References area to specify where the location of the mass, and select the appropriate geometric entity on your model. Your selections appear in the References collector.
◦ Single (default)
| For Component At Point as the Type, select a single datum point or vertex as the reference. |
5. If you select
Simple, specify
Distribution and enter a real-number value for the mass. Alternatively right-click the value field, click
Parameter and
specify the mass as a parameter in the
Select Creo Parametric Parameter dialog box.
| If you are working on a 2D model, Creo Simulate uses the coordinate system you specified during the definition of the 2D model as the WCS. |
7. If you select Component in the assembly mode, select a part or subassembly to supply the mass value.
8. Select OK to accept your definition or Cancel to close the dialog box without creating the mass.