To Create an Analysis Feature
1. Click > . The ANALYSIS dialog box opens.
2. Under Name, specify a name for the analysis or use the default name.
3. Under Type, select the analysis that you want to perform.
| If you have registered an external application with Creo Parametric TOOLKIT and your Creo Parametric TOOLKIT application is running, External Analysis is available as an additional analysis type. |
4. Under RegenRequest, specify the regeneration option by selecting one of the following:
◦ Always—Always regenerates the analysis feature during model regeneration.
◦ Read Only—Excludes the analysis feature from the model regeneration.
◦ Only Design Study—Regenerates the analysis feature only when it is used by a design study.
5. Click Next. Depending on the type of analysis that you have selected, the appropriate analysis dialog box opens.
6. Specify the Type and Definition for the analyses that you want to perform.
7. Click Compute. The results of the analyses appear in the Results box.
8. Click Close. In the Result params section, the parameters associated with the analyses appear in a table with their details under Create, Param name, and Description.
9. To create a parameter, select the parameter in the Result params table and click YES under Create. The selected parameter is created and NO changes to YES for that parameter in the Result params table.
10. Under Param name, specify a name for the parameter or accept the default name.
11. For analyses that allow creation of a datum point, coordinate system, or datum feature, click Next to open the Result datums section and define the resulting features.
12. Click

. The analysis feature is created.
| To create a feature using curve and surface analysis, click > and select the appropriate command. |