To Redefine a CL Command
You can only redefine user-defined CL commands, that is, the CL commands previously added by using the Insert CL Command option.
Most of the NC sequences are created using a tab or dashboard, except a few sequences that are created using the menu manager. This topic is valid only for the sequences that are created with menu managers.
1. Select a user-defined CL command.
2. In the PLAY PATH dialog box, click > .
The CL Command dialog box opens.
3. To select a new location for the CL command, click

and select either a point on the tool path on the screen or a line in the CL file listing.
4. To edit the command contents, use one of the following methods:
◦ Place the cursor in the Command text box and edit the command. Note that this method does not provide syntax checking.
◦ Place the cursor in the Command text box and delete the current contents. Then, click Menu and compose the command by selecting appropriate keywords from the syntax menus and typing values in response to the system prompts.
◦ Place the cursor in the Command text box and delete the current contents. Then, click File and read in a file containing the CL command lines. The browser window will appear to let you select the file name. The expected file extension is .cmd.
| If you do not delete the contents of the Command text box before using the Menu or File option, you will create additional command lines. From then on, these lines will be treated as a "block", that is, you will be able to move, copy, or delete only the whole block of command lines. |
5. The Preview button lets you preview the result. Click OK to complete redefining the command, Cancel—to quit.