To Add a New Tool
1. On the Tools Setup dialog box menu bar, click > .
Creo NC displays the following default values in the dialog box:
◦ Name is a default name in the format T0001, T0002, and so on.
◦ Type is the first one in the list of the currently applicable tool types.
◦ Material has a default value of dash (-).
◦ Units are the same as the length units of the stock.
◦ Parameters that appear on the General tab are defined by the tool Type. Required parameter fields contain a system-supplied default value, optional parameters have a default value of dash (-), that is, zero. However, the default value of dash (-) for flute length is the length of the tool.
◦ On the Settings tab: Tool Number is incremented by 1 with respect to the last one currently in the Tool Table; Offset Number is empty; other, optional, parameters have a default value of dash (-).
◦ On the Cut Data tab, the Stock Material value is that of the stock material specified using the Operationtab; the cutting data boxes are empty.
◦ On the BOM tab, the Bill of Materials table is empty.
◦ On the Offset Table tab, you can set up mill tools with multiple tips.
◦ On the User Defined tab, you can define custom parameters to be associated with the tool. This tab is available only if you set the value of the mfg_custom_tool_param_def_file configuration option as the path to the tool parameter definition file.
2. If you want to set up a tool of a different type, click the arrow next to the Type parameter and select the appropriate value. Creo NC displays the parameter names and default values for the new tool type.
3. Modify the parameter values, if desired. Revert restores the initial values.
4. Click

to view the tool based on the current parameter values.
Creo NC opens a separate, bigger window displaying the tool.
5. Repeat Steps 4 and 5 until satisfied with the tool section.
6. Specify the cutting data and provide the BOM information, if desired.
7. Click Apply to add the new tool to the Tool Table.
8. To save the tool parameters and cutting data, click > .