To Show Annotations from the 3D Model
1. Select a view, components, or features for which you want to show annotations.
2. On the
Annotate tab, click
Show Model Annotations. The
Show Model Annotations dialog box opens.
3. Click an annotation type tab.
–Lists model dimensions.
–Lists geometric tolerances.
–Lists notes.
–Lists surface finishes.
–Lists symbols.
–Lists datums.
4. Select the type of annotation from the list under Type. If required you can change the component or feature selection that you have done, for which you want to show annotations.
5. Click the check box for each annotation that you want to show in the drawing. Additionally, you can click

to select and show all the annotations for the selected annotation type. Click

to clear all the annotations for the selected annotation type.
6. Click OK to show the selected model annotations. Click Close to close the Show Model Annotations dialog box. Alternatively, click Apply to permanently show the selected model annotations.
To display part level dimensions, select the part on the model tree, right-click, and click
Show Model Annotations on the shortcut menu. Alternatively, select the part on the model tree and click
Show Model Annotations.
Additionally, to display feature level dimensions in a specific view, select the feature on the model tree, right-click, and click Show Dimensions by View on the shortcut menu. You are prompted to select a view.