To Export to Other Formats
1. Open a drawing to export.
2. Click > > . The Export Setup dashboard opens.
3. Select an option that corresponds to the file type that you want to generate.
4. Click
Export. The
Save a Copy dialog box opens.
5. Under New Name, type a new file name. You cannot change the file type using the Type list.
6. Click OK. The file is saved to a local disk using the settings that you have specified for the publish deliverable.
| If you have selected the Open Log Window to configure settings for the DXF, DWG, and IGES publish deliverables, the INFORMATION WINDOW opens after you have saved or exported the drawing to the respective publish deliverable. |
If you click

while previewing the publish deliverable, a temporary file is saved to a local disk. This file is deleted when you close the preview session.