Detailed Drawings > Working with Drawing Sketches > Sketching in Drawing > Using a Model Edges in Draft Entities > To Create Offset Draft Geometry
To Create Offset Draft Geometry
Using the Offset command, you can create offset draft geometry from other draft entities or model geometry. If the parent object is scalable, for example scalable view geometry, or if parametric sketching is enabled when you create the offset line, the new geometry updates with any changes to the parent geometry.
1. Click Sketch and then click the arrow next to Edge.
2. Click Offset Edge. The OFFSET OPER menu manager opens.
3. Click Single Ent to create offset lines from a single entity. Click Ent Chain to select multiple edges from which to offset.
4. Select the entity or entities. (Hold down the CTRL key to select more than one entity. Click OK in the confirmation window when finished.) You are prompted for the offset distance in the direction the arrow indicates.
5. Enter the offset distance. Use a negative distance (-) to go opposite the arrow direction. The entity is copied at the offset.