Assembly Design > Using Assembly > Working with Assembly Components > Assembly Operations > Boolean Operations > About Preferences for Boolean Operations
About Preferences for Boolean Operations
Click File > Options > Assembly to set preferences for Boolean Operations. The preferences you set determine the default options in the Boolean Operations dialog box.
Associative placement (boolean_associative_placement)—Updates the Boolean feature according to the placement of the modifying component.
Transfer References(boolean_transfer_refs)—Transfers all references from the modifying components to the resulting Boolean feature.
Discard modifying components (boolean_discard_modifying)—Deletes the modifying components after a Boolean operation.
Copy Datum planes (boolean_copy_datums)—Copies datum planes from the modifying component to the modified model as part of the Boolean operation.
Copy Quilts (boolean_copy_quilts)—Copies quilts from the modifying component to the modified model as part of the Boolean operation.