Creo 拓樸最佳化 > Topology Optimization Introduction > About the Topology Optimization User Interface
About the Topology Optimization User Interface
On the Applications tab, click Topology Optimization to open the Creo Topology Optimization tool.
Home tab
Model Setup
Force/Moment—Creates a force/moment load.
Pressure—Creates a pressure load.
Gravity—Creates a gravity load.
Centrifugal—Creates a centrifugal load.
Temperature—Creates a structural temperature load.
Heat—Creates a heat load.
Displacement—Creates a displacement constraint.
Planar—Creates a planar constraint.
Pin—Creates a pin constraint.
Ball—Creates a ball constraint.
Prescribed Temperature—Creates a prescribed temperature constraint.
Convection Condition—Creates a convection condition constraint.
Surface Region—Creates a surface region.
Volume Region
Extrude—Uses an extrude for the volume region.
Revolve—Uses a revolve for the volume region.
Sweep—Uses a sweep for the volume region.
Helical Sweep—Uses a helical sweep for the volume region.
Blend—Uses a blend for the volume region.
Rotational Blend—Uses a rotational blend for the volume region.
Swept Blend—Uses a swept blend for the volume region.
Quilt—Uses a quilt for the volume region.
Materials—Defines materials.
Material Assignment—Assigns materials to a model or a volume.
Material Orientations—Defines material orientations.
Optimization Setup
Analyses—Defines an FEM analysis.
Topology Region—Creates a topology region.
Design Objective—Creates a design objective.
Design Constraint—Creates a design constraint.
Mesh—Creates a mesh representation of the model made of finite elements.
Maximum Element Size—Creates a maximum element size mesh control.
Minimum Element Size—Creates a minimum element size mesh control.
Hard Point—Creates a hard point mesh control.
Hard Curve—Creates a hard curve mesh control.
Hard Surface—Creates a hard surface mesh control.
Edge Distribution—Creates an edge distribution mesh control.
Displacement Coordinate System—Creates a displacement coordinate system mesh control.
Mapped Mesh—Creates a mapped mesh control.
Mesh Numbering—Creates a mesh numbering control.
Review Geometry—Reviews the geometry.
Diagnostics—Shows diagnostics details while creating the mesh and running the model.
Improve—Improves the quality of the finite element mesh.
Check Elements—Checks the quality of the finite element mesh.
Review—Reviews the mesh components.
Erase—Erases a mesh from memory.
Open FEM Mesh—Retrieves a finite element mesh.
Save FEM Mesh—Stores a finite element mesh.
Optimization Study
Optimization Study—Creates a topology optimization study.
Close—Exit Creo Topology Optimization.
Results tab
Response Types
Responses—Selects the response type to show its topology optimization results and analysis results.
Topology Element Density
Element Stress
Element Strain
Element Strain Energy
Grid Stress
Reaction Force
Mode Shape
Design Cycles slider and spin box—Shows the topology optimization results for the design cycle that corresponds to the cycle number. You can view the results one cycle at a time.
Play—Plays an animation of the results history.
Stop—Stops playing the animation.
Save—Saves an animation of the results history as an animated GIF file.
Density Isosurface—Available when Topology Element Density is selected.
No Isosurface—Does not show a topology element density isosurface.
Isosurface—Shows the optimization study results as a topology density isosurface.
Isosurface with Topology Region—Shows the topology region on top of the isosurface display in opaque color.
Density Cutoff slider and spin box—Constructs the topology isosurface using this density value as the cutoff. A surface is generated throughout the model wherever the element density equals this cutoff value. The surface encloses all regions where the density is greater than the cutoff value.
Response Options—Available when any response other than Topology Element Density is selected.
Analysis—Selects an analysis that corresponds with the selected response.
Component—Selects a response component.
Modes—Selects the mode number of the natural frequency.
Color Mesh
Color Fills
No Fills—Does not show color fills.
Filled Elements—Shows each element in a color based on the element’s result value.
Filled Contours—Shows each element in a color based on the element’s result value, and fills in the contour lines based on grid result values.
Element Masking Upper Cutoff slider and box—Hides elements that have a value above the upper cutoff.
Element Masking Lower Cutoff slider and box—Hides elements that have a value below the lower cutoff.
Auto Range—Automatically calculates the value range for the color bar.
Min. Value—Sets the minimum value for the color bar.
Max. Value—Sets the maximum value for the color bar.
Deform Types—Available for structural and modal results
Undeformed—Shows the results without deformation.
Static—Shows the results as a static deformed shape.
Oscillate—Shows the results as a deformed shape that is animated by scaling the displacements with a sine wave.
Ramp—Shows the results as a deformed shape that is animated by scaling the displacements with a sawtooth wave that ramps the displacement from zero to the scale factor.
Show Undeformed Shape—Shows the undeformed results on top of the deformed shape.
Auto Scale—Calculates the scale factor for the deformed mesh automatically.
Scale Factor—Enter the scale factor for the deformed mesh manually.
Hide Elements with No Value—Hides elements that were not included in the topology optimization.
Smear—Smooths the transitions between areas of high density and low density in the topology element density results.
Section—Shows a cross section of the model at a cutting plane that is perpendicular to the selected axis.
No Section—Shows the model without a cross section.
X Direction—Shows a cross section that is perpendicular to the x-axis.
Y Direction—Shows a cross section that is perpendicular to the y-axis.
Z Direction—Shows a cross section that is perpendicular to the z-axis.
Section Upper Cutoff slider—Shows a cross section of the model from the positive axis direction.
Section Lower Cutoff slider—Shows a cross section of the model from the negative axis direction.
Live Update—Updates the topology results while the optimization is running,
New Model
Tessellated Model Only—Creates the new optimized model to include facet features.
Geometry Reconstruction—Creates the new optimized model to include a full b-rep (boundary representation) surface.
Close—Closes the Results tab.
In graphics toolbar
Shading With Elements—Shows the model shaded and with finite element mesh.
Shading—Shows the model shaded.
Shading With Edges—Shows the model shaded and show edges.
Results Display Filters > Color Bar—Shows a color bar with values associated with each color in the graphics window.
Results Display Filters > Results Descriptions—Shows text describing the results in the graphics window.
Shortcut menus
Right-click a topology optimization study in the Model Tree to access shortcut menu commands:
Delete—Deletes the topology optimization study.
Run Optimization—Runs the topology optimization study.
Abort Run—Stops running the optimization study.
Show Status—Shows the status while the topology optimization study is running.
Show Results—Loads the results of a topology optimization study.
Propagate Geometry—Recreates the model geometry from the results of the topology optimization study.