What's New: Creo Parametric 11.0 > > Part Modeling > Control Automatic Scaling of Palette Shapes in Sketcher
Control Automatic Scaling of Palette Shapes in Sketcher
Creo Parametric
User Interface Location: Click File > Options.
In Creo 11.0 there is a new configuration option to control the default scaling for imported geometry, including:
Shapes imported using the Palette command
Geometry from drawings or other files imported using the Import command
Often users create custom palette shapes such as O-rings, grooves, or slots at a 1:1 scale, meaning in the precise size that is needed. You can now choose to turn off the automatic scaling for palette shapes and maintain the defined 1:1 scale as the default scale during shape placement.
Sketcher Palette dialog box showing different shapes.
The default behavior can be controlled using the new Auto scale imported geometry setting under File > Options > Sketcher > Sketcher Import.
Sketcher options dialog box showing new configuration option.
When you change the scaling factor from the default value to a different value, you can also reset it back to the default value using the new reset button next to the scaling factor. Depending on the default method, it will reset the dimension value to the calculated auto scale value or to a value of 1.
Reset button for scaling factor.
Increased flexibility to control system default behavior, resulting in improved efficiency.
Additional Information
No known limitations.
Does this replace existing functionality?
Configuration option associated with this functionality:
yes*, no
When importing shapes and other geometry using the Palette and Import commands, controls whether to auto scale the geometry or to set the default value of the scaling factor to 1.
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