What's New: Creo Parametric 11.0 > > Part Modeling > Control Selection Priority for Quilts
Control Selection Priority for Quilts
Creo Parametric
User Interface Location: Click File > Options > Global > Selection > Selection Priority.
A new option has been added that gives you more control over the priority of selection for surfaces and quilts. You can now chose between the previous selection priority order, or give a higher selection priority to quilts over surfaces.
If you typically need to select quilts as the more stable reference in regeneration, the new option can reduce the number of clicks required during selection, and reduce the likelihood to select the surface instead of the quilt.
Select the option Prioritize quilts over quilt surfaces to activate the higher selection priority for quilts. Selection workflows such as Pick From List will then list the Quilt object before the listing the nearest corresponding surface under the pick point.
Option to pick an easier workflow to ensure the more stable quilt reference can be selected.
Fewer clicks required to select quilts.
Reduced likelihood to select the surface instead of the quilt when the quilt consists of a single surface.
Additional Information
No known limitations.
Does this replace existing functionality?
Configuration option associated with this functionality:
yes, no*
yes—Give quilt objects a higher selection priority than quilt surfaces.
no—Quilt surfaces will have a higher selection priority than quilts.
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