Project Sketched Points
Creo Parametric
User Interface Location: Click Model > Project.
In Creo 11.0, the Project feature is enhanced to project sketched points, allowing you to project multiple points in a single operation. Previously, only a single point could be projected onto a geometric target object in a single operation.
Model containing multiple projected points.
When the Sketch option is selected, the new Project points checkbox is available. It allows you to project points contained in the sketch to the selected target, in addition to sketched curves that are present in the sketch. Like construction curves, construction points are ignored and not projected. The resulting feature points can be used as location references in a spot-weld feature, or in a point-based pattern where the From Feature option supports referencing the Project feature containing projected points.
Dialog box showing new “Project points” options and enhanced “Follow surface” option.
In the sheet metal environment, the Follow surface option is enhanced and applies to all projected sketch points.
Faster and more flexible definition of multiple projected point references as input to repetitive features.
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