What's New: Creo Parametric 11.0 > > Fundamentals > Improved Expand and Collapse Workflows for all Navigation Trees
Improved Expand and Collapse Workflows for all Navigation Trees
Creo Parametric
User Interface Location: All Navigation Trees in Creo Parametric such as Model Tree, Layer Tree, Design Tree, Quilt/Body Evolution Tree, Drawing Tree, Design Objects Tree and so on.
The expand and collapse workflows have been enhanced to improve usability. The enhancements include:
Addition of two new commands Expand by Level and Collapse by level to all the navigation trees:
Expand by Level—Incrementally expands the selected branch by one level with each click.
Collapse by level—Incrementally collapses the selected branch by one level with each click.
Change in Collapse All actions:
Clicking Collapse All, keeps the top node and first level node visible and collapses the rest.
The shortcut SHIFT+ tree expander arrow now invokes the expand branch and collapse branch, respectively.
Change the location of the following commands:
Expand by Level and Collapse All are available in the tree toolbar, as more frequently used commands.
Expand All and Collapse by level are located under the tree options.
Improved usability when working with the navigation trees.
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