What's New: Creo Parametric 11.0 > > Part Modeling > Feature’s Diagnostics Reporting
Feature’s Diagnostics Reporting
Creo Parametric
User Interface Location: Status bar, Notification Center flag.
Creo 11 enhances reporting of feature diagnostics within the Notification Center. Creo Parametric can be configured to report all features that reported diagnostic information, Geometry Checks, during regeneration. The setting is controlled from the Notification Center options under Feature’s diagnostics.
notification center option
This notification allows you to immediately see whether the regeneration produced diagnostic information without the need to switch to the tools tab to investigate the Geometry Checks command.
Features that report diagnostics are flagged in the Model Tree and listed in the Notification Center under the category Feature’s diagnostics. You can click feature geometry check to access the Troubleshooter dialog box containing diagnostic details and troubleshooting recommendations for it.
In the Model Tree, Select the feature and click Information > Feature Geometry Check to open the Troubleshooter dialog box.
Personalize and optimize Notification Center reporting so that you do not miss geometric diagnostics information.
Additional Information
If a feature fails, it is reported as part of the notification Regeneration Failed.
Does this replace existing functionality?
Configuration option associated with this functionality:
nmgr_geom_checks—Show notifications for features that have geometry checks.
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