What's New: Creo Parametric 11.0 > > Composite Design > Select Related Support in Composites
Select Related Support in Composites
Creo Parametric
User Interface Location: In the Composite Design environment, use one of the following operations:
On the Composite Tree, click Select Related, and then select a feature in the Composite Tree.
Select a feature in the Composite Tree, and then select Select Related on the mini toolbar.
Select a feature in the Composite Tree, and then move the mouse pointer over Select Related on the mini toolbar.
You can now select a feature to see its design relationships in the Composite Design environment.
Previously, when working in the Composite Design environment, there was no easy way to see the direct parents and children of a selected feature. Now, you can see the direct parents and children of the selected feature in one of the following ways:
When you click the Select Related command on the Composite Tree or on the mini toolbar, the Select Related Tree opens. You can then select a feature to see its design relationships.
When you select a feature and then move the mouse pointer over the Select Related command on the mini toolbar, the design relationships of the feature are displayed in a temporary window.
This enhancement provides an easy way to investigate the design relationships of a feature.
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