What's New: Creo Parametric 11.0 > > Composite Design > Flat Ply Preview in a Separate Window
Flat Ply Preview in a Separate Window
Creo Parametric
User Interface Location: In the Composite Design environment, do one of the following:
Click Draping Simulation and then select Auxiliary Display.
On the graphics toolbar, click Draping Results > Flat Pattern Preview.
Now, when you are performing a draping simulation on a ply, you can see the flat pattern preview of the ply much more clearly in a separate window. To control the display of the window, use Auxiliary Display in the Draping Simulation tab.
You can also see the flat pattern of plies, one at a time in a separate window, when viewing the results outside of the draping simulation feature directly from the Laminate Tree. To control the display of the window, use Draping Results > Flat Pattern Preview on the graphics toolbar.
With the separate window, the flat pattern can be observed much more clearly.
This enhancement improves productivity by providing a better visibility of the ply and core flat pattern contours.
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