Welding Design > Detailing Welding Assemblies > To Show Welding Symbols
To Show Welding Symbols
To Show Welding Symbols in a Drawing
Set the auto_show_3d_detail_items configuration option to yes to automatically show welding symbols in drawings. To show symbols that are not currently shown:
1. Click Annotate > Show Model Annotations. The Show Model Annotations dialog box opens.
2. In the Weld and Joint Tree, select the weld whose symbol you want to show. Relevant tabs become available in the Show Model Annotations dialog box.
Tabs become available if an annotation is not already shown for the selected feature, and a drawing view exists in which it is appropriate to show the annotation.
3. Click . A list displays annotations that can be shown for the selected weld feature.
4. Under Show, select the check boxes next to symbols to show, or click to show all annotations for the selected weld.
5. Click OK.
To Show Welding Symbols in a 3D Model
Choose one of the following methods to show welding symbols in a 3D model:
Click View > .
Click File > Options > Entity Display, and under Dimensions, annotations, notes and reference designators display settings, select the Show annotations and Annotation Elements check box.
Set the display_annotations configuration option to yes.
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