Welding Design > Obtaining Welding Information > To Obtain Welding Information
To Obtain Welding Information
You can access information about welding features from the Weld and Joint Tree, the Welding tab, or from various dialog boxes within the Welding application. Either a browser or the INFORMATION WINDOW opens with the appropriate information.
When the INFORMATION WINDOW opens, the text is also stored in a .dat file and the filename appears at the top of the window. The .dat file is automatically saved to your working directory or you can click File > Save to save it to another name or directory.
Weld and Joint Tree
Right-click a welding feature in the Weld and Joint Tree and choose Information > Feature. A browser opens and the feature information appears.
Welding Tab
1. Click Applications > Welding. The Welding tab opens.
2. Select one of the following actions depending on the type of information to obtain:
Click Info > Weld or Info > Parameters. The Search Tool dialog box opens and the Select menu opens.
a. In the Search Tool dialog box, search for and select a weld, or click Close to close the Search Tool dialog box and then select the weld in the Weld and Joint Tree or graphics window.
b. On the Select menu, click OK. An INFORMATION WINDOW containing weld information or the current parameters setup opens.
Click Length or Mass. The WLD INF TYP menu, the Search Tool dialog box, and the Select box open.
On the WLD INF TYP menu, select one of the following options.
Sel Weld. The Search Tool dialog box opens.
a. Search for and select the weld for which you want length or mass information, or click Close to close the Search Tool dialog box and then select the weld on the Weld and Joint Tree or from the graphics window.
b. On the Select menu, click OK. The INFORMATION WINDOW containing the current weld length or mass information opens.
Sel Weld Material. The WELD MTRL NAMES menu opens.
Select the <weldmat> check box of the material for which you want information, and click Done Sel. The INFORMATION WINDOW opens and contains the length or mass information for the selected welding material.
Total welding material mass is the sum of the mass of the specified welding materials. Mass is computed by summing the mass of the particular material used by all the welds in the assembly.
Total welding material length is the sum of the lengths of the specified materials. Length is computed by summing the lengths of the particular material used by all the welds in the assembly.
Click Bill of Materials. The INFORMATION WINDOW containing bill of material information for the welds in the model opens.
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