Welding Design > Obtaining Welding Information > About Welding Information
About Welding Information
Welding information provides general data about your welding design features, including the component name, weld type, welding materials, mass properties, and any welding processes assigned.
You can obtain the following information:
Overall attributes of welds
Length of welds and welding materials
Mass of welds and welding materials
Parameters controlling welds
Bills of materials for welds
It is important to keep your weld information in mind, especially with respect to light edge preparations and your mass properties calculation. While the light edge preparations do not show solid geometry in your design, they can have a significant effect on the design's mass properties measurement.
The length and mass of materials is measured using the following criteria:
Total material length is the sum of the lengths of the specified materials. Length is computed by summing the lengths of the particular materials used by all the welds in the assembly.
Total material mass is the sum of the mass of the specified materials. Mass is computed by summing the mass of the particular materials used by all the welds in the assembly.
The information produced for general weld information, weld and material length, weld and material mass, and bills of material is written to .dat files in your working directory.
Information Type
File Name
General weld information
Length of welds
Length of materials
Mass of welds
Mass of materials
Bill of Materials
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