Welding Design > Creating Welding Features > Creating Welds > Plug and Slot Welds > About the Plug or Slot Weld User Interface
About the Plug or Slot Weld User Interface
The Plug/Slot Weld tab consists of commands, tabs, and shortcut menus. Click Applications > Welding. On the Welding tab, click Plug/Slot Weld.
Referencing Scheme
Side Surfaces—Defines a plug or slot weld using a base plane and side surfaces as references.
Contour Chains—Defines a plug or slot weld using a base plane and contour chains as references.
Available in assemblies.
—Creates a connection between the Weld feature and a Joint Members feature.
Joint Members feature collector—Collects the Joint Members feature to contain the Weld feature.
box—Sets a value for weld diameter.
Depth buttons
—Defines weld to intersect with all surfaces.
—Defines weld depth as a specified value.
Depth box—Sets a value for weld depth.
Countersink—Sets a value for weld countersink.
Slot length—Sets a value for slot weld length when Slot or Detect Automatically is selected on the Symbol tab.
Lightweight Weld Trajectory
Automatic—Calculates lightweight weld trajectories automatically.
Manual—Calculates lightweight weld trajectories manually (user-defined).
Base Surface collector—Displays one surface or plane used as the reference for the weld base.
Side Surfaces collector—Collects multiple surfaces used as the references for the weld sides. Available when Side Surfaces is selected.
Details—Opens the Surface Sets dialog box.
Weld Contour collector— Collects multiple chain references. Available when Contour Chains is selected.
Details—Opens the Chain dialog box.
Follow Pattern check box—Selects other contours in a pattern that correspond to the selected contour when a contour is selected from a feature that is part of a pattern. Available when Contour Chains is selected.
Light weld trajectory collector—Displays chain references for user-defined (manual) lightweight weld trajectories.
Details—Opens the Chain dialog box.
Weld geometry type area—Sets the type of geometry to represent the weld to surface, light, or solid.
Weld material—Selects a predefined welding material.
Define—Opens the Weld Materials dialog box.
Weld process—Selects a predefined welding process.
Define—Opens the Weld Processes dialog box.
Field weld check box—Defines a weld as a field weld.
Finish list (ANSI)—Defines a weld finish.
Finish check box (ISO only)—Sets the weld finish option to ISO standards.
Contour list—Defines a weld contour.
Display sequence ID check box—Shows or hides the sequence ID number in the welding symbol tail.
Keep ID in sequence check box—Keeps the weld ID number the same regardless of subsequent actions (such as deleting previously defined weld features or reordering welds to different locations in the regeneration order).
Display identification line check box—Displays the identification line in the weld symbol. Available for ISO welds.
Below reference line—Places the identification line in the weld symbol below the reference line.
Above reference line—Places the identification line in the weld symbol above the reference line.
Create as Other Side symbol check box—Create the symbol to represent the weld on the other side of the joint.
Next leader—Sets the placement method for the next leader.
Attachment collector—Collects a planar reference on which to place the symbol.
Weld type menu—Sets whether the weld is a plug weld or a slot weld.
Preview—Displays an image of the welding symbol.
Add Note—Contains the text you type for a user-defined note.
Name box—Sets the weld name.
—Opens the Feature info window for a weld feature.
Feature Parameters Define button—Opens the Parameters dialog box for a weld feature.
Shortcut Menus
Shortcut menu commands are context sensitive depending on the location of your cursor.
While the Plug/Slot Weld tab is open, right-click the graphics window any place except over a handle to display the following shortcut menu commands:
Base Surface—Activates the Base Surface collector.
Side Surfaces—Activates the Side Surfaces collector.
Weld Contour—Activates the Weld Contour collector.
Lightweight Weld Trajectory—Activates the Light weld trajectory collector.
Clear—Empties the current active collector.
Side surf—Defines a plug or slot weld using a base plane and side surfaces as references.
Contour—Defines a plug or slot weld using a base plane and contour chains as references.
Place your cursor in a collector that contains a reference and right-click to display the following shortcut menu commands:
Remove—Deletes a selected reference in a collector.
Remove All—Deletes all selected reference in a multiple reference collector.
Information—Displays information about the selected reference.
Select a welding feature in the Weld and Joint Tree and right-click to display the following welding-specific shortcut menu commands:
Convert to
Convert to > Light—Convert the selected welding feature to light representation.
Convert to > Surface—Convert the selected welding feature to surface representation.
Convert to > Solid—Convert the selected welding feature to solid representation.
Change Weld Material—Opens the Weld Material Selection dialog box.
Change Process—Opens the Process Selection dialog box.
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