About Fillet Welds
Fillet welds can be created in assembly, part, or sheet metal mode. They can be one-sided or two-sided, symmetrical or asymmetrical. Lightweight fillet weld trajectories can be calculated automatically or manually (user-defined).
Type of Weld
Key Dimensions
Fillet (T joint)
L1 - First leg distance
L2 - Second leg distance
Fillet (corner joint)
L1 - First leg distance
L2 - Second leg distance
You can create continuous or intermittent fillet welds. When placing the weld, you can locate the ends of the fillet weld with respect to the geometry of welded components. Segments of an intermittent weld can be dimensioned from the segment center or end.
Intermittent welds can be linear or angular. Linear intermittent welds follow a linear curve. Angular intermittent welds are only supported for cylindrical surfaces that are perpendicular to the corresponding welded surface.
Linear Intermittent Weld
Angular Intermittent Weld
In the Weld and Joint Tree, solid fillet welds are represented by , light fillet welds are represented by , and surface fillet welds are represented by .
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