About Advanced Surface Features
Use > to create the following advanced surface features:
Boundary Blend—Creates boundary blended surfaces between reference entities that define the surface in one or two directions.
Vertex Round—Trims a surface by rounding an outer surface edge.
• Blend Tangent to Surfaces—Creates a surface as a blend from an edge or a curve to tangent surfaces.
Flatten Quilt—Creates a flattened quilt.
Flatten-Quilt Deformation—Bends flattened quilts or flattens bent quilts.
Add the following commands to the ribbon to create additional types of surface features.
• Blend from File—Creates a blended surface from a file.
• Blend Section To Surfaces—Creates a quilt as a blend from a section to tangent surfaces.
• Blend Between Surfaces—Creates a quilt as a blend from a surface to tangent surfaces.
• Conic Surface and N-sided Patch—Creates a conic quilt and creates a quilt from more than four boundaries.
• Surface Free Form—Creates a surface by dynamic manipulation.