Sheetmetal > Designing in Sheetmetal Design > Bending, Unbending, Bending Back Walls > Bending Walls > Bend Notes > To Define Annotation Orientation by Plane or Named Orientation
To Define Annotation Orientation by Plane or Named Orientation
1. On the Model Tree, click and then click Tree Filters on the list. The Model Tree Items dialog box opens.
2. Under Display, click the Annotations check box.
3. Click OK.
4. Expand an unbend or flat pattern feature in the Model Tree. The bend notes are displayed.
5. Select a bend note. The selected bend note is highlighted in the graphics window. Alternatively, to select all bend notes in the graphics window, select the Annotation filter type from the filter list.
6. Right-click the selected bend note in the Model Tree and click Change Orientation. The Annotation Plane dialog box opens.
7. To define the annotation orientation by plane, click Reference plane and select a datum plane or a flat surface to which you want the bend note to be parallel. The active annotation grid plane is displayed and shows the default viewing and text directions. The text direction is the direction in which you read the text. Alternatively, to define the annotation orientation by named orientation, click Named model orientation and select a named orientation from the list. The active annotation grid plane is displayed and shows the default viewing and text directions.
8. Click Flip next to Viewing direction to flip the viewing direction and the text direction of the bend note.
9. In the Text rotation box, type a value for the angle of text rotation or select a value from the list. The direction of the arrow in the graphics area is updated accordingly.
The default rotation angle of the annotation plane is 0.
10. If you have defined the annotation orientation by plane, Freeze annotation plane reference is available. If required, click Freeze annotation plane reference to freeze the annotation plane reference. The bend notes that use this annotation do not reference the datum plane or flat surface.
11. Click OK.
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