To Merge Walls
To proceed, you must have two or more disjoint volumes of unattached sheet metal geometry (unattached walls) in your model, indicated by the
icon in the lower right of the screen.
1. Click > .
2. Click the arrow next to
Merge and then click
Merge Walls. The
Merge tab opens.
3. Select references for the merge feature.
◦ Under References in the Merge tab:
a. Click inside the
Base surfaces collector and select the base wall surfaces to merge with the unattached wall.
b. Click inside the
Merging surfaces collector and select the unattached wall surfaces to merge to the base wall.
◦ In the References tab
a. Click inside the Base surfaces collector and select the base wall surfaces to merge with the unattached wall.
b. Click inside the Merging surfaces collector and select the unattached wall surfaces to merge to the base wall.
4. Click Options.
a. Click inside the Edges to exclude collection container to optionally collect edges that you want to exclude from the merge.
b. Select the Keep merged edges check box to keep edges between the merged walls.
c. Select the Keep edges of bends check box to keep edges between bend surfaces in the merged walls.
5. Click Properties to display information about the merge feature or to give it a custom name.
6. Click