Piping > Conversion > Piping Assemblies > Utilizing the Pipe Segment to Create Additional Features
Utilizing the Pipe Segment to Create Additional Features
You can utilize a pipe segment to create the following features:
Copies of assembly pipe segments
Copies of pipe solid segments
Sweeps of pipe segments
Creating a Copy of an Assembly Pipe Segment
1. Select a pipe segment in the piping environment.
2. Copy and paste the selected segment.
3. To select multiple pipe segments, click Details under References to open the Chain dialog box. Press Ctrl and select the required segments. The Chain dialog box lists the selected segments.
4. Click . A copy feature is created. You can use the new copy feature as a reference to create additional features.
Creating a Copy of a Pipe Solid Segment
1. In the modeling environment, select a pipe solid, right-click and click .
2. Select one or more pipe solid segments.
3. Copy and paste the selected segments.
4. Click Details under References to open the Chain dialog box. Modify the list of the pipe solid segments that you selected, as required.
5. Click . A copy feature is created. You can use the new copy feature as a reference to create additional features.
Sweeping a Pipe Segment
You can use the object-action method or the action-object method to sweep pipe segments. After you create sweep features, you can modify the sweep features to create swept blends or other features.
Using the Object-Action Method
a. In the modeling environment, select a pipe solid, right-click and click .
b. Select one or more continuous pipe solid segments.
c. Click Cut & Surface > Shapes > Sweep to open the Sweep tab. Update the information as required.
d. Click . A sweep feature is created.
Using the Action-Object Method
a. In the modeling environment, click Cut & Surface > Shapes > Sweep.
b. Select a pipe solid, right-click and click .
c. Select one or more continuous pipe solid segments.
d. Update the information on the Sweep tab as required.
e. Click . A sweep feature is created.
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