Mapkey Execution
Three important rules apply for executing mapkeys:
• When you press the mapped key, if the first command is not on the screen, the system checks all the following commands in turn. When it finds one present, it executes the mapkey from the first found command.
Therefore, it is advisable to build command sequences starting from the top-level menu where appropriate.
Sometimes a mapkey cannot be executed because a command specified in the mapkey is currently unavailable in the menus.
• If some of the commands ask for an input from the keyboard (for example, the name of a part), the mapkey pauses. After you enter the data, the system continues executing the mapkey.
• If one of the mapkey commands calls for you to select using the mouse (for example, selecting a sketching plane in the graphics window), the system pauses the mapkey execution and waits for the selection.
In this way, you are able to create object-independent mapkeys for long sequences of repeating choices, provided you do not have to select any geometry.
When a mapkey is paused for selection, multiple selection sometimes causes it to fail to proceed.
Naming the Mapkeys
If you have set the configuration option for keyboard command abbreviation to on, use caution when naming the mapkeys. For example, if you have mapped a character sequence "cc," Creo Parametric picks the command ChangeWindow from the Main menu as soon as you press the first "c." Therefore, it is advisable to start the mapped sequences with a character that is not used in the command names: slash, bracket, exclamation point, and so forth.
Native Language Support
Mapkeys are supported both for native language versions (by default) and for the English language. If you have written or recorded your macros in English and do not want to rewrite them in your native language, set the configuration file option native_kbd_macros to no.