Create Files for Laser Projectors
In the Composite Design environment, you can use the laser projection tool to create projection data and calibration files for the laminate objects in a compatible file for laser projectors.
You can specify the full path to the default directory where the exported files are stored in one of the following ways:
Click File > Options. In the Creo Parametric Options dialog box, click Applications > Composite. Specify the values under Laser Projection.
Create a projection data file or a calibration file for a laser projector as follows:
1. Click Utilities > Laser Projection. The Laser Projection dialog box opens.
2. Specify the initial settings for the file as follows:
a. In the Compatibility box, select a format of files that is compatible with the laser projector.
a. LAP—Select this option to create a calibration file in the CAL file format or a projection file in the LPD file format.
b. Virtek—Select this option to create a calibration file in the CAL file format or a projection file in the PLY file format.
b. In the Units box, select a unit to define the coordinates of the calibration points and the projected geometry. The default unit is selected based on model units.
c. In the Thickness box, select the type of material thickness, cured or uncured.
d. To change the default coordinate system, click in the Coordinate system box and select a different one.
e. Click in the Simplification angle box, and type or select the angular tolerance between polyline segments. Polyline segments merge when the angular tolerance between the polyline segments is smaller than that specified in Simplification angle box.
3. Under Objects Range, specify the range by selecting the first and the last laminate objects from the laminate tree. When comparing the objects in the Laminate Tree, the object you select in the First object box must be listed above the object you select in the Last object box.
4. Under Exported Items, specify the information you want to include in the file.
To include the information of the calibration points, click in the Calibration points box, and specify the calibration points by selecting one or more datum points.
To include the information of seed point in the file, select the Seed point check box.
To include the information of the draping direction in the file, select the Draping direction check box.
5. In the Name box, enter a name for the file.
6. When you want to export a projection data file, click Create Data File. When you want to export a calibration file, click Create Calibration File. The Save a Copy dialog box opens to the default location specified by the composite_laser_projection_dir configuration option.
7. Use the default location or select a different location to store the file.
8. Click OK.
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