Optimization Algorithm
Use Optimization Algorithm in the Design Study Options dialog box to specify an algorithm to the Creo Simulate engine other than the default algorithm for an optimization design study. When making this decision, you should understand the advantages and disadvantages of each algorithm.
Automatic—If you select Automatic optionCreo Simulate begins the run using the default SQP algorithm. However, if Creo Simulate encounters an invalid model during an optimization and fails to recover the model it attempts to resolve the problem by automatically switching from SQP to GDP for the remainder of the run.
Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP)—Use this option to find the optimum design faster than GDP does. The disadvantage of SQP is that it does not guarantee that your design satisfies your limits at the end of each iteration. It only guarantees that the optimum design satisfies your limits. This means that if SQP ever fails to find an optimum design, there may be no intermediate designs available that are improvements over the initial design.
Gradient Projection (GDP)—Use this option only if the speed is not an issue and you want to ensure the availability of interim designs. GDP tends to produce a series of intermediate designs that satisfy your limits while getting closer to the goal.
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