Optimization Design Study
An optimization design study adjusts one or more variables to best achieve a specified goal or to test feasibility of a design, while respecting specified limits.
Creo Simulate adjusts the model's variables in a series of iterations through which it tries to move closer to the goal while respecting any limits. If you have not specified a goal, Creo Simulate simply tries to satisfy the set limits. An optimization study with no goal is called a Feasibility study.
The goal and design limits are optional, but you must have at least one goal or one limit.
Creo Simulate calculates values for all measures that are valid for the analyses included in the study. Be aware of the following:
Creo Simulate does not calculate the value for measures using the At Each Step option when you use dynamic time, frequency, or random response analyses in an optimization study.
You cannot select the At Each Step option for measures for the optimization goal or limits.
Creo Simulate runs a regeneration analysis automatically if the study meets certain criteria regarding goals, limits, and variables.
You can examine the following types of results for an optimization study:
graphs of a measure against the study's iterations
standard results for the final optimized model
The Optimization Study Definition dialog box contains the following items:
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