To Edit Multiple Curves
This is the generic procedure to edit multiple curves.
1. In the Model Tree, right-click the Style feature that contains the curves to edit, and choose
Edit Definition. The
Style tab opens.
2. To make sure that no curves or points are selected, click anywhere in the graphics window except on the curves or other geometric entities.
3. To select curves to edit, do any of the following:
◦ Action-object
a. Click > . The Curve Edit tab opens.
b. Select curves in either of these ways:
▪ Drag a box around the curves.
▪ If you drag the box from right to left, then the curves that the box intersects are selected, even if only part of a curve is inside the box.
▪ If you drag the box from left to right, then only the curves that are completely inside the box are selected.
▪ Hold down the CTRL key while you click curves.
◦ Object-action
a. Hold down the CTRL key while you click curves.
b. Click > . The Curve Edit tab opens.
4. To select free points or tangents on the selected curves to edit, do any of the following:
◦ Drag a box around the points or tangents.
◦ Hold down the CTRL key and click points or tangents.
5. Move points and adjust tangents as required.
6. Click