Creo Interactive Surface Design (Style) > Curves > Editing Multiple Curves > To Change the Location of Multiple Points
To Change the Location of Multiple Points
1. In the Model Tree, right-click the Style feature that contains the curves to edit, and choose Edit Definition. The Style tab opens.
2. To select curves to edit, do any of the following:
a. Click Style > Curve Edit. The Curve Edit tab opens.
b. Select curves in either of these ways:
Drag a box around the curves.
Hold down the CTRL key while you click curves.
a. Hold down the CTRL key while you click curves.
b. Click Style > Curve Edit. The Curve Edit tab opens.
3. To select points on the selected curves to edit, do any of the following:
Drag a box around the points.
Hold down the CTRL key and click points.
4. Edit the location of the selected points using any of these actions:
Drag the selected points to the new location.
Click the Point tab, select the Relative check box to treat the x-, y-, and z-coordinate values as offsets from the original position of the points, and specify x-, y-, and z-coordinate values.
5. Click OK.
All these points are displaced by the same relative offset.
Snapping a point applies only to that point. All other points are moved without snapping.
You cannot drag constrained soft points that are fixed, such as points snapped to a vertex or a datum point, soft points at planar intersections with other curves, or soft points with plane offset constraints.
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