Detailed Drawings > Running Drawing Programs > To Create a Record of Modifications
To Create a Record of Modifications
1. Click Tools > Drawing Program. The DRAW PROGRAM Menu Manager opens.
2. Click Define States > Create State.
3. Type the name of the state. Press Enter.
4. Click Record Cmds.
5. From the DWG COMMANDS menu, choose commands to move, erase, and show items in the drawing; then save these changes (later, you can edit the state and highlight those items).
6. To undo any of the modifications that you have made, choose EDIT STATE > Undo Cmds. The system places the cursor on the command that you last executed, and highlights in the drawing window the item that was acted on. If it highlights a command line in red, it means that the system has undone it (the name field is not always filled in because not all items have names).
7. After you create the state, the system resets the drawing to its default display. Click Done to activate the state and make the changes.
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