Record Cmds—Displays the DWG COMMANDS menu, a compound menu of possible commands and object types upon which to operate. After choosing an action and item type, you can modify items in the drawing. The following table presents those commands that you can record (marked with an "X"). In addition to those commands included in the table as not being recordable, you cannot record the following: moving leader jogs or dimension jogs; modifying the model grid; erasing, showing, and moving cross-section arrows and view notes; erasing or moving ordinate dimensions; and modifying filled draft cross sections.
Play Cmds—Resets the display of the drawing to its original display (before starting the state), and plays each saved command in the state, pausing in between. You can stop playback by selecting the stop sign icon in the message area. The system skips commands that do not affect any displayed sheet.
Undo Cmds—Removes commands. Displays the Undo State Commands text-tool window listing commands in the state.
Layer States—Displays the DPM LAYER menu. You can blank, display, or set to normal the display status of any drawing layer. You can also leave the status unchanged. Drawing programs can only control the status of drawing layers and cannot affect model layers.
Set Cur Sheet—Switches to another sheet of the drawing to modify it. You can also display another drawing sheet by choosing Window > New on the menu bar. This command does not affect the current state in any way.
The UNDO COMMANDS menu displays these commands:
Next—Executes the command at the next line and moves the cursor to that line.
Prev—Unexecutes the command at the previous line and moves the cursor to it.
Run—Selects a line in the text-tool window. The system executes or unexecutes commands until that line.
Toggle Cur—Undoes the command at the current line. The system updates the drawing window to this, and highlights the command line. If you have already undone the current command, this command restores it.
Pick/Toggle—Selects a command line in the text-tool window. If you choose a command that you have not undone, it undoes it. If you choose a command that you have undone, it restores it.
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