About Analysis, Measurements, and Diagnostics
You can analyze curves and surfaces and measure the geometry of import features in Import DataDoctor (IDD). You can analyze curves to check their quality and their continuity before you convert them to surfaces. You can also analyze the curvature and the deviation of curves. The analysis, therefore, ensures the quality of surfaces created from the analyzed curves.
After you analyze curves, you can analyze surfaces that are created from the analyzed curves. In addition to checking the quality of surfaces, you can also check the connections between surfaces and properties such as curvature and deviation.
You can save the analysis with the model. IDD dynamically updates the saved analysis when you redefine the geometry. You can access the saved analysis in the Saved Analysis dialog box.
Additionally, you can also measure model geometry. You can measure the length of curves and surfaces and the distance and angle between two entities.
In addition to analyzing and measuring geometry, you can asynchronously check geometry for defects and identify problem geometry. You can run the interactive diagnostics tool, Troubleshooter, to study the severity of the defective geometry displayed as errors, warnings, and information and accordingly take remedial measures. You can also zoom and highlight the defective geometry and problem areas.
The following geometry analysis and measurement options for curves and surfaces are available on the Analyze tab of the Import DataDoctor ribbon tab:
—Analyzes the curvature, radius, and the tangents of curves. Analyses the normal options for surfaces.
—Analyzes the shaded curvature and provides options such as Gaussian, max, and sections. Analyses and displays the smallest and largest normal curvature for every point on a surface. IDD assigns color values in ranges to indicate curvature. Color values towards the red and blue ends of the range indicate maximum and minimum curvatures, respectively.
—Analyzes the deviations of curves and surfaces from a surface or datum plane to a datum point, curve, or datum point array.
—Saves the analysis with the model. Displays the
Saved Analysis dialog box.
—Measures the distance between two entities.
—Measures the dihedral angle that exists between the normals of two surfaces that share an edge. This angle ensures the continuity between surfaces.
—Measures the length of curves and surfaces.
Geometry Checks—Investigates geometric defects and problem geometry.
For details, refer to the Fundamentals and Surfacing modules on the Creo Help Center.