About Getting Started
Import DataDoctor (IDD) is a geometry repair and editing tool that you can access when you redefine standard and neutral import features or when the geometry of the imported models fails to validate the import. To redefine the geometry of the imported models and features, you can select or right-click a standard or neutral import feature on the Model Tree or the graphics window and click

on the mini toolbar that appears or select the import feature and click > > . On the
Import tab that opens, you must click

to enter the Import DataDoctor (IDD) environment. When the geometry of the imported models fails to validate, you can right-click the imported models in the graphics window or the Model Tree and click > to access IDD and repair the failing geometry.
The Import DataDoctor tab displays the following groups of commands and tools:
• Analyze—Analyzes defective geometry, the quality of curves, distance, length, and dihedral angle and saves the analysis with the model. Evaluates the curvature of surfaces and the curve and surface deviations.
• Structure—Allows manipulation of the topological structure of the imported geometry by grouping, combining, and merging the geometry nodes on the Geometry and Topology Structure (GTS) Tree. You can activate, detatch, divide, combine, merge, collapse, include, exclude, or hide the nodes or the geometry of the nodes on the GTS Tree. Converts regular surfaces to procedural surfaces, including extrusions, revolves, planes, and cylinders.
• Constrain—Creates wireframes as topological connections between surfaces, adds tangency to wireframes, and applies frozen constraints on the imported geometry. Defines gaps and slivers and add them to wireframes. Freezes surfaces to prevent unwanted changes and re-parameterization, especially during the repair of geometry. Adds and removes tangency constraints to wireframes.
• Heal—Repairs unsatisfied topological connections and tangency conditions and problem surfaces. Closes gaps and removes unwanted sliver surfaces from the imported quilts. Extends and intersects surfaces to fill boundary loops.
| You can set options in the import profiles to automatically repair the geometry of foreign models while importing the foreign part and assembly models to Creo Parametric. The Heal section of the Topology tab in the import profile has options to repair the unsatisfied topological connections and tangency conditions of the models that you import. |
• Edit—Edits the geometry of surfaces, edges, and curves. Moves the vertices of surfaces, modifies and replaces surface boundaries, converts analytical surfaces to free-form surfaces, modifies the properties of the free-form and analytical surfaces, and expands or contracts the natural domain of a surface through extrapolation. Extends the boundaries or edges of quilts, trims quilts, and aligns curves with other curves and surfaces and the natural boundaries of surfaces. Manipulates the design intent of the imported data, the transformation of quilts representing design elements, and the removal of quilts representing design elements.
• Create
—Creates various curves, such as sketched curves, 3D curves through points, and UV-curves by projection and intersection, through points, and from isolines. Creates boundary blend surfaces and datum entities such as datum planes, datum axes, datum points, and datum coordinate systems.
The Geometry and Topology Structure (GTS) Tree displays the geometry structure of the imported feature instead of the Model Tree in IDD. This structure shows the geometrical, topological, procedural, and logical composition of the imported feature. It groups surfaces and it allows you to manage datums and curves.
Additionally, the following display and pick-box selection options are available on the Graphics toolbar:
—Displays wireframes
—Displays the frozen state of the active surfaces
—Displays the vertices of active surfaces
—Displays the tangency constraints of active surfaces
Depending on the type of object selected, the relevant commands are available on the Import DataDoctor tab and the shortcut menu that appears when you right-click the selected object in the graphics window or the GTS Tree.