About Configuring Chamfer Sizes
In the Component Dialog box, apply the option Add additional chamfers to edges to automatically create chamfers on edges within cut out UDFS.
This chamfer is controlled by a set of rules in EMX Assembly > Options > Chamfer Sizes.
This function searches for edges on cylindrical surfaces within the cutout UDF. The chamfer size is determined from the diameter of this cylindrical surface.
The rule set can be defined based on the following four variables:
1. UDF Name—A rule can be assigned to a specific UDF by name. When you use * in this row, the rule is applied to all UDFs.
2. Category—A rule can be assigned to a specific component categories, such as cooling, ejector, guide. When you use * in this row, the rule is applied to all component categories
3. Supplier—A rule can be assigned to a specific supplier categories, such as meusburger, dme, hasco. When you use * in this row, the rule is applied to all suppliers
4. Unit—A rule can be assigned to inch or mm. When you use * in this row, the rule is applied to both units.
For each rule, an Upper Boundary and a Lower Boundary for the diameter of the cylindrical surface needs to be defined.
In the row Chamfer Size, the resulting size of the chamfer needs to be defined.
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