About Component Options
From the dialog box in which you confine a component, select or clear the following check boxes when you place a component:
Pattern for all models—Adds the new component to each instance of the owner of the first placement reference.
Pattern for all instances—Places the new component on each instance of a reference pattern of the first placement reference.
First cut in face owner— The cutout UDF defined on first position will be added to the owner model of the first surface selected as placement reference.
No Cutout—No cuts are generated.
No Component—The component is not assembled.
Predefine Component—The component can be predefined in part mode, to be assembled later in the main assembly.
When the Predefine Component check box is selected, component data is saved with the reference group. Click EMX Components > Assemble predefined components to assemble the component later.
Copy Drawings—If a drawing template exists for the current component, you can copy this drawing template together with the part or the assembly file.
The option Copy Drawings is automatically selected if a drawing template exists and the component type is listed in the configuration option EMX_CHECK_DWG_TYPES.
Add additional chamfers to edges—Selecting this option adds additional chamfer features to edges within the cutout UDFs.
To set chamfer size rules, go to EMX Assembly > Options > Chamfer Size.
The default value for Add additional chamfers to edges is defined using the configuration option ENABLE_ADD_ADDITIONAL_CHAMFERS_FOR_TYPES.
With the configuration optionEMX_NO_CUT_PARAM you can specify an integer value for the parameter name. If the value is set to 1, the quilt is not cut.
The option CUT_PLATES_ONLY drives, which components will be cut. If the option is set to YES, only the plates are cut.
If the components with cut quilts are assembled using a pattern and the configuration option PATTERN_CUT_QUILTS set to YES, all cuts are created as a reference pattern. If the option is set to NO, the cuts are added individually for each instance of the component pattern. This is required if instances interfere with a different amount of models.
If the configuration option PROMPT_FOR_CUTTING_PARTS is set to YES, a dialog box displaying all interfering parts opens. You can choose parts for which you want to add a quilt cut.
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