About SCAN User Interface
The user interface for the Scan feature contains:
Scan Dialog Box
The Scan dialog box has the following tabs:
• Chains and Segments—Contains options to add, remove, or modify chains and segments.
• Properties—Displays the following information about the chains and segments in the current measure step.
The Chains and Segments tab has the following options
• Select items—Lists selected chains.
When measuring, the probe moves along the chains in the same sequence as they are listed in the Select items collector.
—Reverses the direction, that is, clockwise to anti-clockwise or vice versa, in which segments are created in the chain.
—Reverts to the original settings of the selected chain.
• Details—Displays Chain dialog box that contains options to modify the properties of the chain.
• Feed Velocity—Allows you to specify the rate at which the probe should move along the selected chain when measuring.
• Segments—Lists segments of the selected chain in the Select items collector.
| When measuring, the probe moves along the chains in the same sequence as they are listed in the Segments collector. |
• You can modify the properties of the selected segment or segments in the Segments collector by right-clicking and selecting one of the following options:
◦ Split—Splits selected segment into two halves.
◦ Start/End—Displays Scan Segment Ends dialog box.
◦ Merge—Combines selected segments into one segment.
◦ Acquisition—Converts selected segment or segments to Acquisition type.
◦ Connecting—Converts selected segment or segments to Connected type.
◦ Display Points—Shows measure points in the selected segment.
◦ Undisplay Points—Hides measure points in the selected segment.
◦ Remove—Removes selected segment or segments from the chain.
• Split Segment—Splits selected segment into two halves.
• Start/End—Displays Scan Segment Ends dialog box.
• Segment Type—Allows you to modify the type of the selected segment or segments by choosing one of the following options:
◦ Acquisition—Acquisition segment
◦ Connect—Connect segment
• Minimum Points—Allows you to specify the minimum number of measure points required in the selected segment. The default value is defined by MIN_NUMBER_PTS parameter. The minimum and maximum values of this parameter are applicable as specified in the site setup.
• Tolerance—Allows you to specify the tolerance. You can select one of the following types of tolerance:
◦ Linear—Linear tolerance. The default value is defined by MEAS_LIN_TOL parameter. The minimum and maximum values of this parameter are applicable as specified in the site setup.
◦ Angular—Angular tolerance. The default value is defined by MEAS_ANG_TOL parameter. The minimum and maximum values of this parameter are applicable as specified in the site setup.
• Maximum distance between points—Allows you to specify the maximum allowable distance between measure points in the selected segment. The default value is defined by MEAS_MAX_DIST_BTWN_PNTS parameter. The minimum and maximum values of this parameter are applicable as specified in the site setup.
• Point Removal—Allows you to remove a set of measure points from an acquisition segment by specifying:
◦ From Start—Offset between start point segment and first point to be removed. The default value is defined by MEAS_SCAN_DIST_FROM_START_PNT parameter. The minimum and maximum values of this parameter are applicable as specified in the site setup.
◦ From End—Offset between end point of segment and last point to be removed. The default value is defined by MEAS_SCAN_DIST_FROM_END_PNT parameter. The minimum and maximum values of this parameter are applicable as specified in the site setup.
Scan Segment Ends Dialog Box
The Scan Segment Ends dialog box contains the following options:
• You can select a reference for the start point using one of the following options:
◦ By Segment—Allows you to specify the previous or the next segment as the reference, by choosing Previous or Next from the list respectively. Default is Previous.
◦ By Reference—Allows you to select a reference geometry, that sections the segment. The reference geometry can be a surface, edge, point, datum plane, vertex, or curve.
• Offset—Allows you to specify offset between start point and the reference. Select offset type from the drop-down box:
◦ Ratio—Percentage offset with respect to the segment size.
◦ Absolute—Absolute offset distance.
Alternatively, drag the start point to the desired location.
• Similar to start point, you can specify reference and offset for end point also.