Creo+ Release Notes > May 2023 > Features and Enhancements > Cabling and Routed System > Improved Refit Reference Designators and Reorder Reference Designators Commands
Improved Refit Reference Designators and Reorder Reference Designators Commands
User Interface Location:
1. In the Cabling application, click Ref Designator Labels in the graphics toolbar.
2. Do one of the following:
Click Components > Reference Designators > Refit Reference Designators​.
Click Components > Reference Designators > Reorder Reference Designators​.
You can now use the improved Refit Reference Designators​ and Reorder Reference Designators​ commands.
Previously, the Refit Reference Designators​ and Reorder Reference Designators​ commands had some usability issues:
Sometimes the Refit Reference Designators​ command produced unexpected results.
It was unclear that a component needed to be selected instead of reference designators when using Reorder Reference Designators​ command, and it was inconsistent with the Refit Reference Designators​ command.
For the Reorder Reference Designators​ command, there was no control over the leader length.
The difference between these commands was not clear.
All these usability issues are now fixed.
Both the Refit Reference Designators​ and Reorder Reference Designators​ commands are now added to the mini toolbar for faster access. Tooltips for both the commands are also updated.
Both these commands act on the same selections, components or labels. However, if nothing is selected, the operation affects everything.
The default value of the limit_ref_des_label_reorder configuration option is set to yes. The same configuration option is exposed as a check box in the Cables Display Settings dialog box.
A new cables_reorder_ref_des_len configuration option is added to control the leader size.
The Refit Reference Designators​ is updated for better placement of labels on the screen.
This enhancement improves the usability of the Refit Reference Designators​ and Reorder Reference Designators​ commands. It aligns the user interaction so that both these commands work similarly.
Additional Information
No known limitations.
Does this replace existing functionality?
Configuration option associated with this functionality:
Added a new cables_reorder_ref_des_len configuration option to specify the default leader length (in model units) of reference designator labels when using the Reorder Reference Designators​ command in Cabling.
The default value of the limit_ref_des_label_reorder configuration option is set to yes.
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