Composite Design
Composite Design Overview
Prerequisites for Working in a Composite Environment
Composite Material
Composite Feature
Composite Design User Interface
Working with the Laminate
Configuration Options for Composite Design
Composite Design Workflow
Setting Up the Composite Environment
Add Composite Materials
Define the Layup Surface
Define a Rosette
Define the Drop-off Value
Manage the Color Mapping of Plies
Preparing Geometry for Ply Creation
Copy Geometry from a Composite Feature
Creating Plies
Create a Ply
Example: Define a Ply Boundary
Create a Core
Create Plies from Zones
Exercise—Create Plies from Zones
Reference a Laminate to Copy Setup Information and Laminate Objects
Create a Group of Laminate Objects
Remove Laminate Objects
Define Transition between Plies
Extend Ply Boundary
Extend Ply Boundary by Value
Extend Ply Boundary by Reference
Extend Ply Boundary by Contour
Show a Laminate Section
Analyze Core Sample of the Laminate
Create a Note
Preparing for Manufacturing
Draping Simulation
Run Draping Simulations
Recommendations for Successful Draping Simulation
Splice or Dart Plies
Export the Flat Pattern
Export the Draping Summary
Export an Analysis Model
Create Files for Laser Projectors
Solidifying Plies
Reporting Mass Properties of the Material
Working with a Ply Book
Ply Book
Create a Ply View
Modify an Existing Ply View
Create a Section in a Ply View
Create a Flat Ply View
Create a Ply Book Template
Modify Existing Ply Book Template
Create Ply Book from a Drawing Template
Add Ply Book to an Existing Drawing
Create Draft Annotations Referencing Ply View Geometry
Create a Laminate Table
Composite Design
Create a Laminate Table