To Open a File
1. Click File and select one of the files from the Recent Files menu. The most recent files that you opened are listed. To open a file not on this list, go to step 2.
When you create a file, you must save it before it appears in the most recent list on the File menu.
To browse the location of a recently opened file and the related files as follows:
a. From Recent Files, right-click a file, and click Copy Path to Clipboard.
b. Click
Open. In the
File Open dialog box, paste the copied path in the address bar, remove the file name, and press Enter.
| You can also paste the file path in the Windows Explorer. |
c. Select the file and click Open.
2. Click
on the Quick Access toolbar or
File >
Open. The
File Open dialog box opens. The directory in the address bar defaults to one of the following items:
◦ My Documents (Windows platforms only) if you have not set a working directory or previously saved an object to another directory in your current Creo Parametric session.
◦ The working directory that you set for your current session.
◦ The directory you last accessed to open, save, save a copy, or back up your file.
◦ The directory set with the file_open_default_folder configuration option.
◦ The directory you set using Tools > Address Default in the File Open dialog box. This setting applies to the current session only and overrides the file_open_default_folder configuration option for the current session.
3. Locate the file to open in the default directory or select a different directory using a method below:
◦ Click a folder under Common Folders.
◦ Click any directory in the address bar and then select another directory or a file. The path in the address bar changes as you select directories.
◦ Click
to toggle the address bar to display a directory path that you can edit directly.
◦ Click Folder Tree and select a folder to browse. To add a folder to the list of common folders select the folder, right-click, and choose Add to common folders from the shortcut menu.
| • To narrow your search, select a file type from the Type box and a subtype from the Sub-type box. Only selected types are listed in the directory. • To quickly locate a file, type the file name into the Search box. The files in the current directory are filtered according to the typed text. • To change the view, organize, or perform other actions in the directory, click View, Organize, or Tools. You can also right-click a file in the directory and use the shortcut menu. |
4. To open the file, double-click it or click Open. The object appears in the graphics window.
| To select a simplified representation of the object, select the object, click Open Rep, select a type of representation from the Open Rep dialog box, and click OK. |