Creo Layout > References > Model Based Definition > Creating Various Annotation Types > Dimension Properties > Working with Witness Lines > About Clipping Witness Lines
About Clipping Witness Lines
You can clip witness lines by using the Clip Witness Lines or Clip All commands on the shortcut menu. During the clipping operation, the end points of the selected witness lines are not aligned.
When you use the Clip Witness Lines command:
The length of all selected witness lines of the selected dimensions is automatically adjusted based on the movement of the handle that you dragged and the current position of individual clipping draggers.
Selected witness lines of the angular and linear dimensions are clipped at the same time if the selected witness lines are parallel.
Creo Parametric does not align the ends of witness lines automatically in the 3D mode.
When you use the Clip All command:
The length of each witness line of the selected dimensions changes based on the movement of the handle that you dragged and the current position of individual clipping draggers.
For linear dimensions, you can clip the witness line only in a direction parallel to the witness line of the selected dragger. If you select multiple dimensions, then witness lines are clipped only for those dimensions whose witness lines are parallel to a dimension's witness line whose dragger you selected and clicked Clip All.
For angular dimensions, only those selected dimensions that share a common vertex with the dimension whose dragger you selected, are clipped. If you select multiple angular dimensions that do not share the same vertex, only those witness lines are clipped whose dimensions share a common vertex with the witness line dragger you selected to initiate the command.
You cannot clip linear and angular dimension witness lines at the same time.
* When you create a dimension, Creo Parametric creates witness lines based on the dimension placement location and references of the dimension. These witness lines do not overlap the reference geometry. When you move such dimensions, Creo Parametric automatically clips the associated witness lines so that they do not overlap the reference geometry.