Creo Layout > References > Model Based Definition > Creating Various Annotation Types > Dimension Properties > Working with Witness Lines > To Clip Witness Lines
To Clip Witness Lines
To clip one or more witness lines:
1. Select one or more dimensions.
2. Right-click outside the model in the graphics window.
3. Click Clip Witness Lines on the shortcut menu. The witness lines that you can clip are highlighted when you move the pointer over them.
4. Move the pointer over a witness line. When it is highlighted, click to select it. If you want to clip more witness lines select additional witness lines by holding down the CTRL key and selecting them.
5. Middle-click. The selected witness lines display clipping draggers.
6. Adjust the length of a witness line by dragging the handle. The length of each selected witness line is automatically adjusted based on the movement of the handle that you dragged and the current position of individual clipping draggers.
7. Click outside the model in the graphics window when finished.
To clip all witness lines in the selected dimensions:
1. Select one or more dimensions.
2. Place the pointer over a witness line dragger and right-click.
3. Click Clip All on the shortcut menu.
4. Adjust the length of a witness line by dragging the handle. The length of each witness line in the selected dimensions is automatically adjusted based on the current position of individual clipping draggers.
5. Click outside the model in the graphics window when finished.