Modules étendus > Creo Elements/Direct Part Library > Connexions à vis > Creo Elements/Direct Part Library screw connections
Creo Elements/Direct Part Library screw connections
Creo Elements/Direct Part Library can connect more than one part with a screw and hardware such as nuts and washers. You can choose from normal, countersunk, and blind holes.
The screw on the right was added to the assembly using Creo Elements/Direct Part Library. The drilled hole has an upper sink and goes through all three parts. The screws, holes, and other hardware are fully configurable.
You can also add screws to parts that already have holes. However, you cannot change screws added this way with the Creo Elements/Direct Part Library commands. These screws will be treated as normal objects, and must be positioned with standard Creo Elements/Direct Modeling commands.
Screw connections in the Structure Browser
The drilled hole is a feature; the screw and other hardware are parts. A screw pattern groups them together and maintains their association.
Screw pattern groups are created even if you only create one screw connection. The pattern group is created in the assembly that holds the parts affected by the drilling, and it is named SCREW-PATTERN_ followed by a long number.
If you include parts that are outside an assembly, no features are created and you can't modify the connections from Creo Elements/Direct Part Library. The same is true if you choose not to create features.